About Ivan

Ivan Fraser, born and raised in Nova Scotia, shares the beauty of Nova Scotia through his art and photography. Quiet inlets, coves, lakes, forests and the awesome power and majesty of the sea are his favourite subjects. With the forest in his back yard and ocean in front, these locations were his playground from early childhood, inspiring him to capture the splendour to be shared with others. Although he dabbled in art from the tender age of eight years, it wasn’t until 1981 that he took the plunge to develop his passion into a career.
Ivan’s first works were in oil, somewhat of a realistic style. Watercolors fascinated him and for some time became his medium of choice. Acrylics and pastels challenged his creativity, adding exciting dimension to his works.
In the winter of 2016, during a creative experimental process, Ivan discovered a whole new element in painting. Wanting to give this new technique a name, he came up with ‘Plyatism’ which means ‘the art of creating paintings without the use of brushes.’ It was submitted and accepted as a new word by Urban Dictionary.
To see some of Ivan’s wonderful ‘Plyatism’ work visit his Artisan site here
Ivan’s latest endeavour is authoring ‘Peggy of the Cove’ the legendary sole survivor of a shipwreck in the 1800’s, who some claim Peggy’s Cove was named after. Whether fact or fiction, Peggy’s charming, adventurous personality is brought to life and answers the question thousands of visitors to Peggy’s Cove ask, “Who was Peggy?”
Through Peggy’s legend, amusing stories and awesome photo props, Ivan joyfully entertains curious visitors at his childhood home museum where, in his story, Peggy spent time with her best friend, Janet. In real life, Janet, was Ivan’s grandmother.
Peggy of the Cove books for sale
Written by Ivan Fraser and available for purchase directly at the Museum, through Amazon.ca or by contacting Ivan directly

Peggy of the Cove – A Legend
Available in both soft and limited edition hardback versions
On Amazon.ca

Peggy of the Cove – Secrets (Book 2)
Available in both soft and limited edition hardback versions
On Amazon.ca

Peggy of the Cove – Ransomed
Available as a Kindle version only through Amazon.ca
On Amazon.ca

Peggy of the Cove – The rescue of Peggy (children’s book)
Available in hardback version only
On Amazon.ca